Unmatched Quality

“Our super soft, high quality organic products let you focus on what’s worth your focus.”

Est. 2018

Our Story

Menarche was born to create an experience for you, an experience of joy, serenity and freedom.

We are here with our innovative and reliable products to elevate all the women out there when they need it the most.

Our research was not limited to come-up with best in class menstrual products and was also around what other organic and natural alternates are available to bring ease during menstrual period. And hence with each order we send you something special to try from the house of goodness.


Our Philosophy


Build Trust with our customer for life long relationship and make them part of our big reliable family.


Keep learning, investing and innovating to come with state of the art, best in class and hygienic product for our family of customers.


Giving something back to society is our responsibility to build better world around us by providing free supplies, education.

Why us?

How are we different?